

Scar removal can help reduce the appearance of scars following an accident or surgery. While scars are harmless, they can be cosmetic issues, especially when a patient is suffering from a scar on a prominent location of the body like his or her neck or face. Scars and scar tissue can cause embarrassment, a lack of confidence, or even restricted mobility in a person. At Sutton Place Dermatology, our dermatologists are committed to helping you restore your skin with the most advanced procedures and scar reduction therapies.

What is scar revision?

Scar revision comes in many different treatment forms like topical creams to laser removal, and they diminish the prominence of scars and scar tissue. Scars can be three-dimensional, jagged, or red in appearance, and this may lead to embarrassment or a loss of confidence. With scar removal, we can help diminish the visibility of scars and even reduce the scar to the point where it is no longer visible.

Scar removal can:

  • Remove excess scar tissue
  • Even your skin tone and reduce discoloration
  • Improve the appearance of scar tissue
  • Ease discomfort or reduced mobility associated with severe scarring

Do scar revision therapies work for any scar?

With scar revision, it is important to select the correct therapy depending on the type of scar it is. Common types include, facial, keloid, hypertrophic, and burn scars. Each scar needs to be approached uniquely for the most natural results.  Facial scars can range from cosmetic issues to scars affecting facial expressions and abilities. Keloid scars occur when your skin produces too much collagen during the healing process. These types of scars appear as growths, are three-dimensional, white, pink, or red in color, and appear to be soft and puffy. Hypertrophic scars do not grow out of the boundary of a scar, but they are also a result of excess collagen during the healing process. These types of scars may also inhibit proper muscle or tendon abilities. As your skin heals and a scar forms, muscles, tendons, and the surrounding skin may contract.

A visual exam will be performed on you to assess what scar type(s) you have. Based on the type of scarring you have and the severity, our dermatologists can choose the most appropriate form of scar reduction to leave you with a smooth, healthy complexion. In some cases, a regimen using two or more scar revision therapies may be created for the best results.

What type of treatments do you use for scar reduction?

There are a wide variety of scar reduction options. Depending on your particular case, our dermatologists may recommend topical ointments or gels, corticosteroid injections, laser resurfacing therapy, dermal fillers, or even scar revision surgery. Our dermatologists will take in various aspects of your individual case like overall health, severity of scarring, amount of scarring, and any cosmetic or physical implications that these scars produce. Each case of scarring is viewed on an individual level to provide the best results.

Topical creams, gels, and ointments may be prescribed for minor cases of scarring. These topical agents can help improve the appearance of scar tissue. Helping to reduce irregularities of your skin tone, topical creams are only prescribed in more minor cases of scarring to even out the texture and discoloration of your skin.

Corticosteroid injections are used to treat some cases of keloid or hypertrophic scarring. Corticosteroid injections reduce the swelling, inflammation, and puffy appearance of scars. In most cases, corticosteroid injections are administered every three to six weeks for a newly formed scar or monthly for pre-existing scars until results are achieved.

With laser scar removal, our dermatologists will use a laser to remove the top layer of skin that has been damaged and where scar tissue has formed. The laser helps to tighten and even out the damaged scar tissue, restoring your skin’s appearance. Scar revision through laser therapy is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. The procedure’s average length is one to two hours but varies on each individual case.

In many cases of scarring as a result from acne, dermal fillers are used to help fill in the inconsistencies of your skin tone due to scarring. Dermal fillers provide immediate results that continue to modify and heal scar tissue after the procedure. A dermal filler affects and improves the scarring from acne by lifting the depressed scar tissue. Stimulating collagen production and modification, dermal fillers provide natural results and a smooth complexion.

Scar reduction surgery is also available as a scar revision treatment, and it can help reduce the swelling and prominence of scar tissue. Local anesthesia is used for more minor procedures, whereas a general anesthesia will be used for a patient with a large amount of scarring or a severe case of scarring. Scar revision surgery can help restore your smooth skin and visibly reduce or eliminate scarring.

Common Scar Revision Procedures
Topical Creams or Ointments For more minor scarring. Can help to regulate your skin tone while reducing any textual or coloring irregularities.
Corticosteroid Injections Used to treat mostly keloid or hypertrophic scarring. Reduces the inflammation of scarring that results in three-dimensional scar tissue. Administered three to six weeks until results are achieved.
Laser Scar Removal Uses a high-powered laser to remove and reduce the scar tissue on your top-most layer of skin. Also helps to modify and heal damaged tissue under the surface of your skin.
Dermal Fillers Commonly used to raise the depression of skin associated with acne scarring. Stimulates collagen modification, which helps even out and restore your complexion.
Scar Reduction Surgery Reduces the swelling associated with scar tissue. Can help eliminate noticeable scar tissue. Local or general anesthesia is used depending on severity of scarring.

How can I learn more about scar removal?

Our dermatologists would be glad to discuss scar removal with you. To request a personal consultation with our dermatologists to discuss scar removal, please request an appointment online or call 212.838.0270.

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