
Cellfina™ Cellulite Treatment

Cellfina™ can help treat and reduce cellulite by smoothing out the appearance of dimpled skin. While cellulite is a common condition that affects both men and women, it is more commonly seen in women for a variety of factors such as hormonal levels. Cellulite occurs when the normal layers of fat under your skin push against the connective tissue. This results in the dimpled look of your skin that is called cellulite. This abnormal and uneven appearance of your skin from cellulite can make you feel self-conscious and unattractive. Cellulite can occur almost anywhere on the body, but it mostly is found on the thighs or buttocks. With recent advances in technology and procedures, our dermatologists at Sutton Place Dermatology are able to help reduce the prominence of cellulite with innovative treatments like Cellfina™.

What is Cellfina™?

Cellfina™ is an FDA-cleared cellulite treatment that can help noticeably reduce the appearance of cellulite and dimpled skin. Cellfina™ treatments are clinically proven to decrease the signs of cellulite by targeting its primary cause. Cellfina™ treatments are long-lasting with noticeable results for up to two years after your cellulite treatment. A minimally invasive cellulite solution, Cellfina™ is the only FDA-cleared cellulite procedure that is clinically proven to reduce the visibility of cellulite. Cellulite removal with Cellfina™ results in an even, natural-looking, youthful appearance of the skin.

Cellfina™ for cellulite is:

  • Long-lasting
  • Effective
  • FDA-cleared
  • Minimally invasive
  • Generally tolerated well
  • A treatment that can be done in one in-office visit

How Can Cellfina™ Help Treat Cellulite?

While there are many creams and topical agents that claim to be cellulite solutions, Cellfina™ is a cellulite remedy that is truly effective because it treats cellulite at the source. Working beneath your skin in the layers of fat that cause cellulite, Cellfina™ releases the fibrous septae under the affected areas to help significantly reduce the prominence of cellulite dimples. Cellfina™ is a cellulite remedy that has one of the highest patient satisfaction rates when compared with other cellulite treatments.

After a Cellfina™ procedure, you may begin to notice results in as little as three days after your cellulite treatment. You will experience ongoing and continuing improvements in the months following your cellulite reduction, with results lasting up to two years after your initial Cellfina™ treatment.

Who Is A Candidate For Cellfina™?

An ideal candidate for Cellfina™ is a healthy man or woman wanting to minimize or correct the dimpling of skin associated with cellulite. Prior to a cellulite treatment, our dermatologists will discuss various aspects of your general health and medical history in order to ensure that Cellfina™ is right for you. Cellfina™ treatments take approximately forty-five minutes, but cellulite treatments vary in length depending on each patient and the number of areas being treated. Since Cellfina™ is a minimally invasive cellulite solution, there is little to no downtime after your treatment session, which means you can return to your normal activities almost immediately. Cellulite reduction with Cellfina™ is an in-office procedure that only requires a single session to provide noticeable results. Cellfina™ can be used to treat multiple areas. Some patients may experience slight tenderness, soreness, bruising, or discomfort after Cellfina™. These symptoms are a common reaction to your cellulite procedure and will quickly fade in the week following your treatment. After your cellulite treatment, you will only be left with even, smooth skin.

How Can I Learn More About Cellfina™?

Our dermatologists would be glad to discuss Cellfina™ cellulite treatment with you. To request a personal consultation with our dermatologists to discuss Cellfina™ cellulite treatment, please request an appointment online or call 212.838.0270.

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