

There are roughly sixteen million Americans who have rosacea, and only a small portion of these people are actually seeking treatment. If rosacea is not treated in its early stages, it can worsen and cause discomfort, embarrassment, and even health complications. Many people with rosacea tend to feel a lack of confidence due to their condition. It can lead you to feel less confident in social and work settings and to feel self-conscious around other people. At Sutton Place Dermatology, our dermatologists can help treat your case of rosacea to restore your beautiful complexion.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that is characterized by the redness of skin, the formation of small, red, inflamed bumps, and even acne. Other symptoms of rosacea include a burning, soreness, or discomfort in your eyes. Due to the redness of a patient’s face, the majority of the time, our dermatologists can diagnose rosacea after just a visual exam. With advancements in dermatology, there are many rosacea treatments available that can effectively treat and manage your symptoms. Rosacea triggers cause a worsening in symptoms, and they include prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, alcohol consumption, spicy foods, stress, hot showers, exercise, and wind exposure.

If you have rosacea, you may experience:

  • Flushed, red skin
  • Sensitive, dry, or stinging skin
  • Acne-like outbreaks
  • Bumpy or coarse skin
  • Irritated, dry eyes

What kinds of rosacea are there?

There are many symptoms that you might experience with rosacea; however, rosacea affects each individual differently. There are four subtypes of rosacea, which include erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, papulopustular rosacea, phymatous rosacea, and ocular rosacea. These are simply referred to as subtype 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Even though these symptoms of rosacea are divided into different subtypes, it is not uncommon for patients to experience a combination of these symptoms. It is also possible that you may suffer from more than one subtype of rosacea at a time.

Subtype 1 rosacea is also referred to as ETR rosacea, and it is the most common form of rosacea that affects patients. Symptoms of ETR rosacea include a flushing of the face, visible broken blood vessels, swollen, dry, rough skin, chapping, or a burning sensation of the skin. It is possible that you only display one or two of these symptoms. If you do not treat your rosacea while experiencing only one or two of these symptoms, your rosacea can progress and worsen.

Subtype 2 rosacea is also referred to as acne rosacea. Patients with this type of rosacea may be more prone to blushing. Symptoms of acne rosacea include oily, sensitive skin, red skin prone to acne outbreaks, or visible broken blood vessels. Many patients simply mistake this type of rosacea for acne and do not seek a rosacea treatment, which can lead to a worsening of symptoms.

Subtype 3 rosacea leads to the formation of excess skin, which causes irregular growths on the face. While irregular growth can occur on your ears, chin, and face, the nose is primarily affected by this subtype. The symptoms of subtype 3 rosacea include the thickening of skin due to excess growth, a bumpy, red texture, and the thickening of the nostrils or nose. If subtype 3 is left untreated, surgical intervention is required to rectify the excess growth around your nostrils.

Subtype 4 rosacea affects your eyes, as well as your face. This form of rosacea affects those between the ages of thirty to fifty most, and the initial symptom of this form is periodic blushing and redness. Symptoms of subtype 3 include dry eyes, sensitivity to light, dilated ocular blood vessels, excessive tearing, or burning, itchy eyes. Lid scrubs and warm compresses may be prescribed to stimulate the glands in your eyes to begin to function properly.

Common Rosacea Treatments
Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea Referred to as subtype 1 rosacea. Denoted by redness, blushing, and visible blood vessels on the skin.
Papulopustular rosacea Referred to as subtype 2 rosacea. Characterized by the constant formation of red, acne-like bumps.
Phymatous rosacea Referred to as subtype 3 rosacea. Causes the reddening, enlarging, and thickening of the skin on the face, primarily the nose.
Ocular rosacea Referred to as subtype 4 rosacea. Eye irritation occurs. Dry, burning eyes, excessive tear formation, swollen eyelids, and even vision loss are possible.

What rosacea treatments are there?

Treatment for rosacea depends on the subtype(s) that affect you and the severity of your case. For cases of subtype 1, patients often experience improvement with dietary changes. Laser therapy is also recommended to remove and reduce the redness that is associated with visible blood vessels.

For subtype 2, a topical rosacea treatment may be advised. Topical anti-inflammatory and antibiotics are effective in reducing the prominence of acne-like outbreaks. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed as a rosacea treatment to help reduce inflammation, and these kinds of medicines have been developed specifically to reduce the symptoms of rosacea.

Topical and oral medications are possible rosacea treatments for subtype 3, but laser treatments can also yield excellent results in a shorter time frame. Laser therapy can be used to remove the extra skin that has grown over your nose or other parts of your face. Removing this excess skin from your face or nose will improve the contours and restore your natural facial definitions. Laser therapy is suggested to treat rosacea earlier, as symptoms can advance and cause complications like difficulty breathing or even nostril collapse if left untreated.

For subtype 4, an oral rosacea treatment may be recommended in the form of antibiotics. These antibiotics can help reduce the irritation and inflammation of the blood vessels and skin around your eyes. A rosacea treatment needs time to work, and our dermatologists will discuss the length or frequency of treatments with you for the most successful results.

How can I learn more about a rosacea treatment?

Our dermatologists would be glad to discuss your rosacea treatment with you. To request a personal consultation with our dermatologists to discuss a possible rosacea treatment, please request an appointment online or call 212.838.0270.

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